TV shows

Yes people believe it or not I watch TV *Gasp* these are my favorite shows. you have probably heard of the first 3 but the last 1 is not on the air any more :( the third is just hilarious so watch them ASAP

American Idol

American Idol is my absolute favorite TV show. Yes I know sometimes Simon is mean, Paula is crying, and Ryan is short but oh well. I think the top 4 will be Brooke White, David Cook, Carly, and Jason Castro.


Survivor is one of the best shows created because you never know what will happen. I have been watching Survivor forever!

America's Next Top Model

America's next top model is a cross between American Idol and Survivor only more glamerous. you have to be a TOP model and you have to learn really fast. The challenges are diferent every year. Also every year they go abroad to a "exotic Location"


Psych is a show about a guy who has an AMAZING memory and can put 2 and 2 together. he was helping out the police till they started thinking he was a suspect. So he did what anyone would do. He claimed to be a psychic. The show is hilarious!!! :)


Chuck is about a guy who got the FBI intersect downloaded into his brain by his ex-best friend. Now "bad guys" are following him every where and he has 2 secret agents as his "body guards". I know this show sounds awesome... and it is but it has been taken off the air untill 2009 :( I know go ahead and cry. I did.